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Sex addictions are not directly given a diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the standard used by the mental health industry; however, you can be certain that they are very real.
Like addiction to drugs or alcohol, sex addictions are very powerful, indeed they too can be considered a drug addiction because of the chemicals released in the brain during the sexual process. The true nature of the addiction can be seen when placed against a backdrop of left-behind values, ignored morals, broken promises & repetitive frustration.
In different circles sex addiction is occasionally referred to as a compulsion or simply an annoying behavior pattern or habit. Referring to an addiction in such terms can downplay the difficulty one faces in breaking free. No matter what one calls it, one has to eventually come to terms with the fact that there are variables at play that make "just stop"ing easier said than done.
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Those who have begun to see themselves trapped in an addiction to sex or to other sexual behavior will surely have felt many feelings including worthlessness, doubt, anxiety, frustration & even anger. Promises are repeatedly broken to self and others.
Fidelity to family & friends struggles. Closeness with those you care for fades. All of these effects make overcoming a sex addiction very difficult. Without help the process can be all too discouraging. And if one has been trying to stop the behavior for a while, hopelessness often results. One commonality found in many who struggle to break free this addiction is secrecy.
Keeping feelings buried deep down is a sure way to to remain chained to the addiction. One so very often feels alone. There are several ways this happens:First, the addicted feels that they are only one struggling.
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Second, they may feel like their struggle only affects themselves and no one else. And third, they often feel that can break free of the undesired behavior all by themselves. (Hindmarsh, Cyber Secrets 2001) To those who are plagued with addictions to sex, let me make sure you know three things.
1. There IS hope! Many have done it before you and many will do it after you. With the proper help you will overcome your sex addictions.
2. You are NOT alone! In this journey there are many willing to help you. Reach out to them and trust them with your struggles. Break the silence.
3. You are NOT dumb! You've heard it before: broken, stupid and a handful of other self-deprecating names you may have called yourself. Forget these. You are divine. You come from a Father in Heaven who love you and who will be your biggest fan & help on your journey to complete healing.
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If you or someone you know is struggling with sex addictions, please find the courage to speak up & reach out. Talk to your spiritual leaders. Open up to your loved ones. And find a doctor who specializes in sex addictions. There is no price too high to pay for personal freedom and happiness.
J. Ryan writes to shed light on the truths of pornography use, to instill hope in those that are caught in the darkness of sex, porn & masturbation addiction, to inspire action and provide tips & tools to help facilitate the success that WILL come to all those who wish it.