Men's Top 10 Sex Tips for Better Sex
Let's face it guys: some of you need a few pointers in the bedroom. Sex is just too good to take for granted, and there are many ways for you to spice things up in the bedroom and convince your girl that you are a Greek god in the sheets.
The Yab-Yum Position
The Yab-Yum is an Eastern Indian position that utilizes the synchronized breathing between you and your lover. Have her sit on your lap on the ground with a pillow underneath her. With your hands on her back and her hands on yours, synchronize your breathing, either alternatively or simultaneously. You'll be right on her clitoris, and it won't be long before penetration is achieved. It is a position she controls mostly, so she will definitely enjoy it.
Clitoral Foreplay
If you jump too quick into stimulating the clitoris, it can feel a bit coarse and unpleasant for a woman. Instead, start kissing the upper thighs and stimulating other parts of the body. After a little foreplay, wet your fingers and then start on the clitoris. This way, she's warmed up and primed perfectly for it.
Pay Your Dues
You've found a true tigress if at two weeks into your relationship she's already letting you do whatever you want to her in the bedroom. Sex takes time to develop between people, and you may need to ride with conventional sex for a while before you can both comfortably test your boundaries. Learn to enjoy simpler sex together, and then you can discuss more advanced techniques to try.
Good Ol' Sex in the Back Seat
Remember those old romantic car rides when you were younger? Why not take another sexy ride tonight? Revisiting your past experiences can greatly increase the chances for incredible sex, fueled by past feelings and that powerful innocence of a new relationship. Plus, having sex in a car is a classic sexual improvisation that at least everyone's done at least once. Why not give it another try?
Love in an Elevator
It's not just an Aerosmith tune. Having sex in an elevator can be very rewarding if neither of you are claustrophobic. Don't push the stop button in an electric elevator; you'll most likely sound an alarm, making for sex that must be quick and unpleasant. Older, freight elevators usually have no alarm, and you should be able to restart it when you're done. Do not overlook these public sex acts; you will not get in trouble, and they are, for most people, an absolute turn-on.
Sex in the Wilderness
Get in touch with your wild side and woo her in the woods. The primal, natural landscape will help you identify with your primitive selves, making for some truly animal-like, savage sex. Having sex outside in the elements has been shown to release more endorphins in the brain, and it's also undoubtedly pleasant on a nice day. Sex in a tent, on the other hand, is not so thrilling, but is also nice.
Pillows and Beanbags How about a little extra texture and leverage the next time you have sex? Adding a pillow fulcrum underneath her bottom elevates her vagina, which expands its walls and allows for easier penetration. Beanbags on the other hand, have an incredible texture and "sinking" feeling that is great for sex. Anytime where you can alter her position and change the shape and response of her vagina will be greatly invaluable to your sexual diversity.
Vibration Improvisation
Break out a vibrator if she's got one, and you'll be on your to hearing sounds you've never heard her make before. Vibration has been shown more effective for female orgasm than penetration. If she doesn't own a vibrator, you must improvise. Try using one of your phones if it has a strong vibrating function (you'll want to sanitize it afterward, for sure!). The washer and dryer machines in your home also serve as a fantastic source of vibration. Get creative and use your imagination on your quest for vibration.
Sex on the Train
Who says you can't be Tom Cruise in Risky Business? Sex on a train is not only fun and thrilling; it's highly possible, especially on a late-night or early-morning train. You and your girl will love the natural shimmy and rhythm of the train, especially when it makes its stops. Don't be surprised if you catch the conductor's eyes peering through the cabin windows.
The Power of Chocolate
Chocolate is a mild aphrodisiac and has been predominately attributed to sex in the media and literature for many years. With such a sensual taste and smooth texture, one is immediately reminded of lust and sex when they eat it. There are few women who dislike chocolate, and you could be earning yourself some brownie points by buying her some luxury chocolate. We're not talking Hershey's, here; the darker and more expensive the chocolate, the better.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to bring a breath of fresh air to your sex life. All you need is the desire to want to try something different.

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